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© 2023 Sosta Camper Torre Salsa "U Pantanu". All Right Reserved. P. IVA 02813970841 | Termini e Condizioni | Realizzato da
The Torre Salsa reserve boasts one of the few intact examples of a dune environment that has survived in Sicily.
The vegetational succession begins close to the coast line with pioneer plants, species with a short vegetative cycle and adapted to living in habitats with extreme conditions, such as the sea radish (Cakile maritima) or the Salsola soda and Salsola kali. This is followed by the embryonic dunes and the first dune formations where the beach weed (Agropyron junceum), the beach santolina (Othanthus maritimus), the marine alfalfa (Medicago marina) and the calcatreppola (Eryngium maritimum) grow, which resist burial and to the hostile environmental conditions through particular adaptations (rhizomes creeping under the sand, leathery or hairy leaves to protect the plant from excessive transpiration); then the mobile dunes follow, where the esparto grass (Ammophila littoralis), the shore panicle (Aeluropus litoralis), the thorny carrot (Echinofora spinosa) and the sea lily (Pancratium maritimum) grow. These plants all participate in the consolidation of the sandy soil.[4]
In the post-dune area live the Mediterranean fennel (Seseli tortuosum), the common cardoon (Scolymus hispanicus), the Sicilian carlina (Carlina sicula), the beach bunting (Cyperus capitatus), the licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra), the Egyptian reed ( Saccharum spontaneum) and tamarisks (Tamarix africana).
The area called "Pantano" is characterized by strong seasonal variations in the rate of salinity of the groundwater (when rainfall is scarce the salinity is accentuated) and in the winter season it is subject to frequent natural flooding. In this area there is an important settlement of halophytic plants, specialized in withstanding water with high saline concentrations, and of hydrophilic vegetation: marsh reeds (Phragmites australis), fishbone (Typha latifolia), cretic thistle (Cirsium creticum), marsh clover (Lotus rectus), the halophytic convolvulacea (Cressa cretica), the fruticose glasswort (Arthrocnemum fruticosum), some bushes of portulacoide atriple (Atriplex portulacoides) and various species of rushes and tamarisks.